Mexican Vanadinite

Discover a Vanadinite from Mexico.

The vanadinites of Mexico are reputed to be among the finest specimens of this mineral in the world. This mineral, a lead vanadate, forms mainly in the oxidation zones of lead deposits, where it crystallises into magnificent hexagonal prisms with bright colours ranging from bright red to orange or sometimes brown. Mexico’s most famous vanadinite deposits are found in the mining regions of the state of Chihuahua, notably at Mina Ojuela, where these brilliantly lustrous crystals are often associated with other minerals such as wulfenite and mimetite. Highly prized by collectors and museums for their aesthetic appeal and rarity, Mexican vanadinites are also of great scientific interest because of their chemical structure and their geological mode of formation.

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    Vanadinite du Mexique
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    Vanadinite du Mexique
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