
Vanadate Group

Formule chimique : Pb5(VO4)3Cl
Système cristallin : Hexagonal
Etymologie : Due to its chemical composition rich in vanadium.
Dureté : 3
Densité : 6.9
Propriétés physiques : Resinous to adamantine sheen. Orange-red to ruby-red colour. Transparent to translucent. Conchoidal fracture. No cleavage. Fragile and sensitive to light.
Propriétés chimiques : Soluble in nitric acid (HNO3).
Formule chimique : Pb5(VO4)3Cl
Habitus : En cristaux hexagonaux, prismes courts à allongés.
Gîtologie : Vanadinite is a secondary mineral of the oxidation zone of vanadium-rich lead deposits.
Determination : Easy because of its red colour and its hexagonal habitus.
Utilisation :

Vanadinite is found in the oxidation zone of lead deposits, often associated with pyromorphite, mimetite, wulfenite and cerussite.
The most beautiful specimens come from the lead mines of the Mibladen-Aouli district in Morocco. In the world, it is found in the Monti Livornesi (Italy), Blieberg (Austria), Wanlockhead (Scotland), Namibia, Australia, USA…


Vanadinite sur barytine – Maroc

Vanadinite sur barytine – Maroc


Vanadinite du Mexique

Vanadinite du Mexique

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