
Tectosilicate - Zeolite group

Formule chimique : CaAl2Si3O10.3H2O
Système cristallin : Monoclinic
Etymologie : From the Greek skolex which means "worm" because this mineral twists under the effect of heat.
Dureté : 5 – 5.5
Densité : 2.27
Propriétés physiques : Vitreous and silky sheen when the crystals are fibrous. White to colorless. Transparent to translucent. Easy cleavage according to (110).
Propriétés chimiques : Attacked by hydrochloric acid (HCl).
Formule chimique : CaAl2Si3O10.3H2O
Habitus : Scolecite crystals form thin, very elongated prisms, in fibrous or fibro-radiated clusters
Gîtologie : Scolecite is a mineral that is generally found in the cracks and vaccuoles of basaltic rocks.
Determination : difficult to differentiate from other zeolites such as natrolite and mesolite.
Utilisation : No major use

The most beautiful deposits of scolécite come from India (Khandivali region), Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) as well as the United States in New Jersey and Colorado.
In France, Scolecite has been described in the Alps (Chamonix region and Pic du Midi in the Pyrenees).

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